Sunday, January 13, 2008

Big Numbers, No Representation

Before I continue with the Liberty Project, I should explain what is meant by middle in Middle America and in mobilizing the middle. I mean the middle class and the middle of of a continuum from Pure Conservatism to Pure Liberalism. Let me explain the latter first. This may be incredibly frustrating considering I do not know how to make a bell curve with a keyboard.
A standard bell curve starts out near flat, moves up a steep hill representing the greatest population in the center at the top of the hill. It then moves down equally and finally ends up near flat on the other side. The flat parts are the fringes, extreme and radical. 66% of the population is in the center. I really cant get bogged down in this so I hope you take the time to look up bell curve. The further that you move away from the center, the closer you get to pure conservatism or pure liberalism. Both are utopian fiction.
Here is the problem. Most states will not allow independents to vote in primary elections. You have Democrats picking the most liberal candidate and Republicans picking the most conservative. It is not representative at all because most people from near the middle are kept out of the primaries or have to pledge allegiance to one of the two major parties. If you join one, you have little or no choice but to have someone closer to whichever fringe. What this does to the bell curve is pushes down the middle, first to a plateau and thento two separate hills; one on the left and one on the right. If this is taken to the extreme, you will have no middle. This would look very much like a civil war. Use the congress as a microcosm, after all, they are supposed to be representative.
The greatest legislative body in the world? Have you ever heard them talk about each other? They use liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, like they are bad words or evil. If you watch the state of the union address. They really do sit on oppisite sides and if they are not already childish enough, they clap and boo acording to their party. I'm not kidding, watch it. They are disgusting but representative of where we are going if we do not reel them in. Remember the key points of the liberty project thus far require only thought:
1) We can replace every single one of them in 6 years. By 2014, we could have a perfectly clean government that would certainly be more representative. Let all of them go work on K street and influence no one!
2) You are an American first!
We are Starving people; We have a bunch of rotten apples in a crate. Yes there may be good ones. Perhaps you feel you have a good representative? Me too. She has only been there for two years but she is already beginning to fall in, rank and file. I intend to vote her out. In order to create a really good crate of apples, we have to start fresh. It is way too time consuming trying to sort out the few who may not be tainted. We have to throw out the crate and start picking fresh. THERE ARE PLENTY OF REALLY GOOD APPLES WAITING TO JUMP INTO THE CRATE.
Think where experience has gotton us. In Washington, experience is not an assett. It is more of the same.

1 comment:

J said...

Good comments... many of them admirable. Sorry about breaking the "read on" rule though because I read the whole thing and enjoyed it but I don't consider myself an American first. I know I should be rounded up and deported across some imaginary line but I'm a human being first and so I really must stand up for fundamental human values before defending all those within a political boundary. Yes, first and foremost comes my family and friends. You may say that 'God' is an equal first too... because I can not separate spirituality from family and friends - the love represented in each is a common thread.
I am lucky, though, that I live within a political boundary where I can express such opinions ( If did not I would move or overthrow as my forefathers and mothers did). I'm also lucky in that, for all their faults, our 'forefathers' did indeed build the foundations of our political system with the ideals of Enlightenment in mind. And although 'we' walk all over those foundations and contort the original premises to suit our everyday biases - at least they are modestly represented. That's good ! As long as the political boundaries that surround me are not endangering the life or limb of those I care about I will stay here and will work toward making the rules that govern these political boundaries work better for the whole. But as for flag waving ... I like the ideals that the original American flag stood for ... I'll wave the 'Don't tread on me' snake with pride but not just as a empty token gesture. Others can fill that void... and do.