Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Campaign Finance Reform

Okay, now this is just rediculous. Here we have people from inside of Washington. They work for half of the year and make six figure incomes. They vote on their own raises and have an annual cost of living increase above $4,000.00. They cater to K Street, ignore Main Street, all while simutaneously destroying Wall Street. By the way, I'm not even talking about the senate yet.
So now they want this job called the Presidency. Sure it sounds pretty, but why do they want it so much? Between K Street "Perks" and the jobs that they have during the 6 months they are not working, they surely could make more than the President. Sorry, I digress.
My point is that they want us to send them money and in the past I have. They open the envelope and pile up the checks. Do they say "sucker" with each one they open or just for the really big ones? They already take a third of my money and piss away most of that. Why should we give them more? Hope? Nope, Ive been down that road and it is a dead end. Hope comes from within us, our churches, our teachers, and our community. When we take our government back, only then should we give money to people to run for office. First we have to create a new understanding in Washington. The understanding that they work for us. We will need to see this understanding in action and not just lip service.

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