Monday, January 14, 2008

The Tiding- A New Delaration

We held an election in 2006 and we were screaming for change. We turned over a great deal of politicians. No their replacements have one of the worst approval ratings in history. We clearly did not turn over enough. Now with the 2008 elections coming around you have a policy writer suggesting that they could really change things. There is a huge difference between policy change which comes and goes like the wind and systemic change which those in Washington want you to believe they are going to do. So here we are again, screaming for systemic change. Ladies and gentleman, THEY WORK FOR US!!! It is our fault as their bosses that they got out of control. We did not set the boundaries for them and now all we can do is look at the results. The three branches of government consist of:
A failed conservative executive branch that spends money and good will like never before.
A treasonous Supreme Court that feels they can force you out of your home so a buisness can come in and generate more tax revenue for that so called "conservative" executive branch to continue spending.
The worst, most corrupt, and purposely ineffective congress our country has ever known.
Our middle class keeps this country moving and we are the epitomy of hard work. We work hard and enjoy what is left of our money after the government takes a third of it. Our leisure is why they take a third. If we continue our leisure, they will take more. Be done being complacent. Help our children get back our eroding freedoms. Harness the power of you vote. This is so important. We can change the system by changing what we have come to expect from the government. We have to change from the two party system. We can have our democracy but we first have to remember who is in charge.
" In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power but carries the ultimate responsibility."- Norman Cousins

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