Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Inflation, Economy, Jobs, Energy, Radical Islam, Environment

Oh Yeah, all of these problems have one solution. I have heard all of the asses and elephants talk about them separately but no one puts them all together. We better put them together soon before they all get worse. Remember, this is the nation who took an idea from theory to reality in a short time and ended WWII with it. That was 63 years ago. 39 years ago the nation sent men to the moon in a Yugo, and they lived! We can do this.
GOAL: Lead the world in alternative energy
OBJECTIVE: Identify and eliminate the barriers
PLAN: Cancel all congressional holidays until resolved
MEASURED OUTCOME: The Dow at 16,000, Unemployment below 3%, Carbon Credits no longer exist (do they anyway?) , Less than $200.00 a month per household spent on transportation and home energy, Radical Islam disolves as the middle east joins the rest of the world and the 21st century
Pretty Interesting huh? Here's what needs to be done.
The next industrial revolution is coming fast and it is alternative energy. It has to begin in the United States and soon. It is going to create massive green industry and we already have the infrastructure and resources in place. With industry comes jobs and a booming economy. When it begins, greenhouse gasses will disappear as well as the sin tax. When the world begins to use our products, oil prices will fall and oil rich countries will be more interdependent on the rest of the world. Their culture will assimilate because of the interdependence and women will no longer be lashed for being raped. Maybe when we all assimilate, we too can find time to pray five times each day.
We must remove the barriers. If politicians cannot help, they can at least get the hell out of the way. I would rather have them help. Create real incentives for this to be realized. Give grants to universities who are leading in the technology. Award them (or the basement inventor) for benchmarks and breakthroughs. Permanantly cut industrial taxes for the major industries who begin production immediately or help them reconfigure the factories. It will cost but the rewards are priceless. Help make the unions realize that without jobs... there is no point in unions. We have to keep jobs in the country. Either reduce regulations and restrictions or hold all international manufacturers (who export to us) to the same standard that we have in the United States. All of you in Washington should be ashamed if not punished for allowing lead in our children's toys when we stopped using it ourselves nearly 30 years ago. What the hell is wrong with you? Oh, K street, I see. These changes do not have to wait and the measured outcomes above are more than possible, they will follow necessarily.

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