Sunday, January 13, 2008

Taking it Back

Here it is folks. My heart and my absolute love for a country that has treated me kind. I really love this country. I have always looked at those bumperstickers "Love your country, fear your government" and I used to think that they were some wacky militia members with camoflage crucifix's. Not anymore. I've reached the point where, like CNN, I do see a broken government. The really cool thing is we don't have to get up in arms and turn into freaks. The solution was given to us more than 200 years ago.
The founding fathers of this country were battle weary geniuses. They saw the turmoil and the lasting scars of an armed revolution. They gave us the tool to never have to repeat such hard times. The tool is our one vote! Did you ever stop to think that we can replace every representative, every senator, and the president in 6 years? 6 YEARS!!! This was set up purposely for times when the Government stopped realizing that they work for us. We are their boss. We can fire all of them and this may be exactly what the doctor ordered. How can we do this? I call it the Liberty Project.
The first step requires noting but soul searching. Answer on simple question.
Are you first:
a) An American
b) A Republican
c) A Democrat
Wasn't that easy? If you had a hard time with this, focus on the word "first". You can still be a Democrat or Republican but the question is What are you first? If you answered b),c), or tried to pick two, get the hell off my blog and do not come back; you are clearly not part of the solution. If you answered a), stay tuned and tell a friend.

1 comment:

J said...

See comment from "Big Numbers"