Monday, January 14, 2008

Stuck in the middle with you

Every election it seems we get duped. The candidates tightly embrace their parties emotional issues and no change every comes from them. Why? If they actually did anything about any wedge issue, they wouldn't have that wedge in the future. The most amazing part is how inconsistent they can be when they bifurcate the issues. For example, pro lifers typically fall in the same party as those supporting the death penalty and vice versa. As a matter of fact, we can learn a great deal by looking at the abortion debate.
For such a serious issue, it sure is looked at in a shallow way by our politicians. When is someone going to do anything but run on it? We are so divided and warped regarding this issue that there has been little progress in reducing abortions. It seems self evident that pro lifers do not like abortions but I have never seen a pro choice advocate with the bumper sticker "I love abortions". If you suggest a hundred different ways to reduce the demand; that is when the real freaks come out screaming "It is about the principle." No it is not. It is about supply and demand. When you reduce the demand, you will reduce the number of places supplying. Who will argue that it is the principle if you reduce the number by 75% over two terms? Yep, The freaks on the fringes.
It is time to pull this country back to the middle and back to the middle class. It appears that a fat elephant and a stubborn jackass are tearing my flag. The Liberty Project can put these animals in their place.

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